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Avaleht / E-Pood / Sülearvutid / LENOVO TP Z13 GEN1 R7 PRO 6850U/16GB/512GB SSD/ 13" 1920X120
LENOVO TP Z13 GEN1 R7 PRO 6850U/16GB/512GB SSD/ 13" 1920X1200 /ARCTIC GREY/WIN10 PRO/3YW
Rendi seda toodet, kuutasu alates 33.16 € kuus. Saada päring.
Toote kood 21D2001RUS
ProcessorSeries AMD Ryzen 7
Processor AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 6850U
ProccesorSpeed 2.70 GHz
ProcessorMaxSpeed 4.70 GHz
ProcessorMultiCoreType 8 cores / 16 threads
Chipset Integrated with processor
CacheExternal 16 MB
RAMinstalled_max Soldered, not user upgradeable
RAMSlots 0
RAMSlotsFree 0
RAMType LPDDR5-6400
HardDrive 512 GB
StorageDeviceSpeed -
QuantityDevices 1
HardDriveType SSD
DisplaySize 13"
DisplayType FHD+
DisplayNativeResolution 1920 x 1200
DisplayFeatures IPS400 nitsAnti-glare1500:1 contrast100% sRGB178° viewing angle
GraphicCard Integrated
GraphicsController AMD Radeon
GraphicsControllerMemorySize -
GraphicsControllerMemoryType System Shared
Camera Yes
AudioFeatures High Definition (HD) AudioRealtek ALC3306 codecStereo speakers, 2W x2Dolby AudioDual array microphone, 360° far-field, Dolby Voice
WWANFeatures -
NetworkCard No
Wireless Wi-Fi 6E
WirelessCardType Qualcomm Wi-Fi 6E NFA725A, 802.11ax 2x2 Wi-Fi + Bluetooth 5.1
Bluetooth Yes
OpticalStorage No
InputDevices 6-row, spill-resistant, edge-to-edge, multimedia Fn keys with Unified Communications controlsTrackPoint pointing device and glass surface multi-touch Haptic ForcePad
OperatingSystem Windows 10 Pro
Battery Integrated Li-Polymer 51.5Wh battery
AverageRunTime Up to 22.8 hours
Charger 65 W
Security TPM 2.0Power-on passwordSupervisor passwordSystem management passwordNVMe passwordFIDO (Fast Identity Online) authenticationCertificate based BIOS authenticationSelf-healing BIOS
SoftwareIncluded -
Width 294.4 mm
Depth 199.6 mm
Height 13.99 mm
PackageSize -
Weight 1.260 kg
GrossWeight 2.2 kg
Warranty 3 years
ExpansionPorts 2x USB 4 Type-CAudio jack
ExpansionSlots -
CardReader No
SmartCardReader No
FingerprintReader Yes
Accessories -
Color Gray
Localization EN
Ladu Laos Kättetoimetamise aeg
TD 1tk 2-3 PÄEVA

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