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Rendi seda toodet, kuutasu alates 5.68 € kuus. Saada päring.
Toote kood PKE61RBA2E
Tootja Bosch
Product colour Black
Appliance placement Built-in
Hob width size 60 cm
Hob type Ceramic
Top surface type Glass-ceramic
Number of cooking zones 4 zone(s)
Number of electric cooking zones 4 zone(s)
Cooking zone 1 shape Round
Cooking zone 1 position Left front
Cooking zone 1 power source Electric
Cooking zone 1 diameter 145 mm
Cooking zone 1 power 1200 W
Cooking zone 2 shape Round
Cooking zone 2 position Left rear
Cooking zone 2 power source Electric
Cooking zone 2 diameter 180 mm
Cooking zone 2 power 2000 W
Cooking zone 3 shape Round
Cooking zone 3 position Right rear
Cooking zone 3 power source Electric
Cooking zone 3 diameter 145 mm
Cooking zone 3 power 1200 W
Cooking zone 4 shape Round
Cooking zone 4 position Right front
Cooking zone 4 power source Electric
Cooking zone 4 diameter 210 mm
Cooking zone 4 power 2200 W
Number of power levels 17
Keep warm function No
Quick start No
Certification CE, Eurasian, VDE
Control type Touch
Control position Front / Top front
Built-in display Yes
Timer No
Child lock Yes
Connected load (electric) 6600 W
AC input voltage 220-240 V
AC input frequency 50-60 Hz
Width 592 mm
Depth 522 mm
Height 45 mm
Weight 7.4 kg
Installation compartment width 56 cm
Installation compartment depth (min) 49 cm
Installation compartment depth (max) 50 cm
Installation compartment height 4.5 cm
Package width 750 mm
Package depth 590 mm
Package height 100 mm
Package weight 8.1 kg
Ladu Laos Kättetoimetamise aeg
AK 5tk 1-2 PÄEVA
TD 4tk 2-3 PÄEVA

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