Lisatud ostukorvi
Avaleht / E-Pood / Kohvimasinad / PHILIPS ECO CONSCIOUS EDITION 5000 SERIES KETTLE HD9365/10,
Rendi seda toodet, kuutasu alates 1.49 € kuus. Saada päring.
Toote kood HD9365/10
Water tank capacity 1.7 L
Product colour White
Adjustable thermostat No
Control type Buttons
Water level indicator Yes
Filtering Yes
Removable filter Yes
Concealed heating element Yes
Country of origin China
Power LED Yes
Auto power off Yes
Cordless Yes
Cord length 0.8 m
360° rotational base Yes
Power 2200 W
Power source AC
Width 159 mm
Depth 226 mm
Height 255 mm
Weight 840 g
Ladu Laos Kättetoimetamise aeg
TD 10tk 2-3 PÄEVA

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