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Avaleht / E-Pood / Upsid / EATON 5PX 3000I RT2U NETPACK G2
Rendi seda toodet, kuutasu alates 73.57 € kuus. Saada päring.
Toote kood 5PX3000IRTNG2
Tootja EATON
PowerVAW 3000 VA
PowerW 3000 W
Runtime -
InputVoltage 160-294 V (adjustable to 150 V-294 V)
OutputVoltage 230V default (200/208/220/230/240V)
InputFrequency 47-70 Hz (50 Hz system)56.5-70 Hz (60 Hz system)40 Hz in low sensitivity mode
OutputFrequency 50-60 Hz
InputConnections C20
OutputConnections 8x C132x C19
WaveformType Sine wave
RechargeTime -
BatteryType Lead-acid maintenance-free (replaceable)
Serial Yes
SmartSlot -
RJ45 -
InterfacePorts USB port (HID compliant)Serial port (RS232)Mini-terminal block for remote On/Off and Remote Power OffMini-terminal block for output relayDry contacts (3 outputs, 1 input, optocoupler, DB9)
ControlPanel -
Alarm -
Color Black/Silver
FormFactor Rack/Tower
PackageContents Network Management CardInput cableRack-mounting kit2x Supports for tower mountingCable locking systemUSB cableSerial cable2x IEC-IEC cablesQuickstart guideSafety instructions
Width 438 mm
Depth 603 mm
Height 85.5 mm
Weight 31.700 kg
GrossWeight 38.400 kg
Warranty -
Ladu Laos Kättetoimetamise aeg
LT 1tk 2-3 PÄEVA
FI-IN 2tk 2-3 PÄEVA
API 3tk 7-10 PÄEVA

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